M40 Mix Design

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M40 Mix design Calculation

  • Grade Designation: M-40
  • Type of Cement: O.P.C-43 grade 
  • Admixture: Fosroc (Conplast SP 430 G8M)
  • Fine Aggregate: Zone-II
  • Specific Gravity:
    • Cement: 3.15
    • Fine Aggregate: 2.61
    • Coarse Aggregate (20mm): 2.65
    • Coarse Aggregate (10mm): 2.66
  • Minimum Cement (As per contract): 400 kg/m³
  • Maximum Water-Cement Ratio (As per contract): 0.45
  • Target Mean Strength: 48.25 MPa
  • Assumed Water-Cement Ratio: 0.4
  • Assumed Cement Content: 400 kg/m³ (As per contract minimum)

Mix Calculation:

    1. Target Mean Strength (T.M.S.):  40 + (5 X 1.65) = 48.25 Mpa

2. Selection of water cement ratio:-
Assume water cement ratio = 0.4

3. Calculation of cement content: –
Assume cement content 400 kg / m3
(As per contract Minimum cement content 400 kg / m3)

4. Calculation of water: –
400 X 0.4 = 160 kg Which is less than 186 kg (As per Table No. 4, IS: 10262)

5. Calculation for C.A. & F.A.: – As per IS : 10262 , Cl. No. 3.5.1

V = [ W + (C/Sc) + (1/p) . (fa/Sfa) ] x (1/1000)

V = [ W + (C/Sc) + {1/(1-p)} . (ca/Sca) ] x (1/1000)


  1. Absolute Volume of Fresh Concrete (V): Gross Volume (m³) minus the volume of entrapped air.
  2. Mass of Water per m³ of Concrete (W): Mass of Water (kg).
  3. Mass of Cement per m³ of Concrete (C): Mass of Cement (kg).
  4. Specific Gravity of Cement (Sc): Specific Gravity of Cement.
  5. Ratio of Fine Aggregate to Total Aggregate by Absolute Volume (p).
  6. Total Mass of Fine Aggregate per m³ of Concrete (fa): Total Mass of Fine Aggregate (kg).
  7. Total Mass of Coarse Aggregate per m³ of Concrete (ca): Total Mass of Coarse Aggregate (kg).

Mix Details per (m³):

Cement400 kg/m³
Water160 kg/m³
Fine Aggregate660.2 kg/m³
Coarse Aggregate (20mm)701 kg/m³
Coarse Aggregate (10mm)467 kg/m³
Admixture2.4 kg
Recron 3S900 gm

Water-Cement-Fine Aggregate-Coarse Aggregate Ratio:

Water : Cement : F.A. : C.A. = 0.4 : 1 : 1.65 : 2.92


The mix design for M40 grade concrete provided here is for reference only. Actual site conditions vary, and adjustments should be made based on the specific location and other factors.

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