Bricks price in Hyderabad skyrocketing

Bricks Price sky rocketing

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Bricks price in Hyderabad Skyrocketing

 Raw Material Shortage and Transportation Woes Fuel the Crisis

As brick costs continue to rise to unprecedented levels, Hyderabad’s construction sector is presently facing a significant challenge. A serious lack of construction raw materials and transportation issues are primarily responsible for the surge in brick prices that has sent shockwaves through the real estate industry.

Bricks Price in Hyderabad Over the past six months, brick prices in Hyderabad have increased alarmingly, rising by as much as 40% compared to previous levels. The core of the issue lies in the shortage and increased costs of vital raw materials used in brick manufacturing, namely clay, sand, and coal. Manufacturers are finding it increasingly difficult to procure these essential resources, resulting in disruptions in the production process.

Transportation Issues and Material Shortages Escalate the Problem

In addition to raw material scarcity after covid  transportation challenges have exacerbated the crisis. Rising fuel prices have driven up transportation costs, burdening brick manufacturers with higher shipping expenses. Consequently, suppliers have no choice but to pass on these increased costs to buyers, further driving up brick prices.

its almost 75 to 100% hike in Brick prices after covid 

Current brick prices in Hyderabad:  Grade C  from ₹5- 7.5 Grade B from ₹ 7.5 – 10 Grade A  9 – 15

Price Hike Leaves Consumers in Despair

Local builders, developers, and homeowners in Hyderabad are all feeling the impact of the price increase. Builders in Hyderabad are struggling to cope with the unexpected financial burden caused by halted construction projects and declining profit margins. With construction costs on the rise, Hyderabad’s real estate sector, which had been growing steadily, is now experiencing instability.

Exploring Sustainable Construction Methods

As the situation continues to evolve, industry experts recommend that construction companies in Hyderabad explore innovative and sustainable construction methods that require fewer bricks. Additionally, fostering long-term agreements with brick suppliers can help mitigate the impact of price fluctuations.

In Conclusion

The soaring brick prices in Hyderabad have become a pressing concern for the construction industry in the city. Identifying sustainable solutions and promoting cooperation among stakeholders is crucial to ensure the sector’s continued growth and stability. According to experts, it may be wise to invest in bricks now, as prices could rise even further to unprecedented levels.

Related articles: How to check brick quality , History of Bricks



building construction Materials online

Hyderabad Builders, a construction material supplier in Hyderabad, offers the best deals on the purchase of construction materials in the city. For inquiries and assistance, please feel free to contact us at Hyderabad Builders, and we will be happy to assist you in addressing your construction material needs.


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